Johnpaul Manning
Hi Guys,
First of all I would like to thank you Alfredo / USMAC and EI for everything over the past 6 weeks or so. I have to say the 2 weeks in San Fran has been a great experience and most definitely a major eye opener for me on how the business world operates in this part of the world. I can sincerely put my hand on my heart and say I am most definitely a better business person from this experience and I hope that any connections I have made while over here I can build upon.
I would also like to take this opportunity to disconnect myself from Toms comment about why you guys brought me over here if you did not have a suitable mentor. Im not sure what angle he was going at there. I was not expecting the world of business to open up before me over here just because I came over. I am doing something that is a little bit different and I did not expect my mentor to fully get my business as I had to learn myself how to articulate it properly. Which I did with your help you guys and the help of my mentor.
My mentor was fantastic and we will continue to work together after this process has ceased. So once again thank you all for a great experience and a great opportunity over here and I will hopefully be back soon and will stay in touch.