Full house at Rocket Space last Thursday, with some of the best startups from US MAC partner: Rockstart Accelerator in Amsterdam
The event Rockstart Accelerator Silicon Valley Debut Showcase was a great success. Amsterdam’s Rockstart Accelerator invited a large crowd to meet nine great startups and watch their pitches as the first Rockstart Accelerator graduates. During the evening there was a panel discussion about the Future of the European Startup community. Like-minded entrepreneurs, investors, and industry executives from Silicon Valley’s tech community had a chance to meet and network while enjoying delicious appetizers and drinks.
These are the Rockstart Accelerator startups that pitched during the evening
Videoavatars: VideoAvatars enables brands to use their new or existing brand characters effectively in online and mobile rich media campaigns
Nexi: Nexi changes the way companies attract and hire the most talented people
Pastbook: The easy way to rediscover your memories through the best experience ever, on-line and off-line
Peerby: Peerby enables consumers to rent goods by asking around in their neighborhood
Ideedock: Ideedock is an effective Q&A platform for employees in enterprises
Postcron: Postcron helps companies to optimize their posts on facebook and twitter to maximize relationship building
Wercker: Wercker is a continuous deployment solution hosted in the cloud
imgZINE: imgZine, platform for effortless publishing real time social magazines on tablets and smartphones
Owlin: Owlin is an online news analysis tool that alerts traders with actionable intelligence
More info from the Insider: http://thenextweb.com/insider/2012/09/18/rockstart-accelerator-silicon-valley/ language translator .