More press for Startup Funding EuroTOUR Prague!
We have been receiving some great press on for our upcoming EuroTour Prague, along with a wonderful testimonial from Nela Sotonova, CEO of Last year she won the pitch competition in Prague and was rewarded with a trip to stay in the Bay Area for 2 months! Here is what she had to say about her time in San Francisco and Silicon Valley:
“How best to describe a month in Silicon Valley. It is almost impossible to describe in two sentences a month in the Valley. I managed with the help of networking, seminars, visits with multiple incubators and sites of various worldwide companies. I cannot find words to describe the many wonderful dedicated people I met who worked tirelessly to help our project. The effort and many a long night which I spent with a calculator.
A month in the Valley is indescribable, one of a kind, unforgettable.”
Thank you Nela! We so enjoyed having you here!